Social Media

Easy ways to increase your social media engagement

by Web Design Southampton

Tactic 1: pay for it

One of the things you’ll first need to remember is that platforms like Facebook give business Pages very little organic reach – because they want to encourage brands to pay for things like boosted posts and Facebook ads. Without any budget behind your Facebook updates, the majority of your posts won’t even reach user News Feeds.

Mark Zuckerberg said earlier this year that Facebook would be changing its algorithms so that users saw posts from friends and family rather than businesses – while this means that fewer people will initially see your posts (and could be a cause of your low engagement) creating great content that drives authentic and meaningful interactions will help you into News Feeds where other brands may struggle.

To begin to show that value and get the process started, consider putting the budget behind boosted posts and ads, at least in the short term. This will get your best content in front of users, ensuring that you start to earn genuine interactions, likes and shares. In turn, this begins to signal to Facebook that your updates are deserving of a place in News Feed.

Bottom line? The number of likes, shares and comments your posts receive dictate how well placed they are in News Feed. To earn those likes and shares in the first place, you’ll have to pay for at least some exposure.

Tactic 2: use video

Facebook’s own research shows that hands down, video drives more interactions and engagements than any other form of content. If you haven’t yet started to incorporate video, doing so should result in happier engagement metrics.

Facebook explains, … live videos often lead to discussion among viewers on Facebook – in fact, live videos on average get six times as many interactions as regular videos. Many creators who post videos on Facebook prompt discussion among their followers…”

Tactic 3: Host a competition or giveaway

Everyone loves the thrill of a competition or potential to get something for free – harness this with a giveaway. You’ll often see influencers teaming up with other influencers to host competitions for fans, with the caveat being that you must like, comment, tag and share to go into the prize draw. Even if you don’t want to team up with other brands or influencers (which can extend your reach by giving you exposure with new audiences), you can still host a giveaway where entrants are required to tag a friend or comment to be in with a chance to win.

Need more help getting your social media marketing on track? Contact us to find out about our affordable, effective social media services.

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